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- بازدید : 2368

What is Optimism?
Optimism is the overall view that the world is a great place and that things will turn out ok. The optimist believes (for example) that events will turn out for the best, or that people are trustworthy. Most people are generally optimistic about things that have turned out well for them in the past, or about things that have good associations for them. People can also be optimistic about their internal lives and still pessimistic about external world events.
What is Pessimism?
Pessimism is essentially the direct opposite of optimism in that it is the belief that the world is a bad place and that things will turn out for the worst. You may be pessimistic for example about the prospects of getting a new job, or about your partner forgiving you for an indiscretion.
Better to be Optimistic or Pessimistic?
There are often links between our psychology and physiology. Research into the relationship between optimism and our overall well being has shown maintaining a positive outlook is not only better for our minds but also affects our bodies. Sadly the pessimist probably expected this, and so it's a case of thinking it, makes it so. A self fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
source :learnmyself